Instafollowers Reviews – User Ratings

When it comes to Instagram, there are many different ways these days to do well and get ahead of your competition. In fact, when it comes to the social media marketing industry in general, there’s no limit to what you can do to make a real difference to your engagement strategy on Instagram.

However, the trouble is, if you aren’t implementing the right strategy for your industry and niche, you could end up falling behind your competition. This is where third-party companies in the social media market industry come in.

There are plenty of professionals out there, but there are also people that are just trying to take advantage of you, especially if you are a novice in the industry. Let’s review one company specifically and determine whether they are worth your time or not.

Instafollowers Review

Instafollowers is the kind of company that claims to be able to do it all. They can help you not only with Instagram, but with other social media services, including Twitter, Spotify, and SoundCloud.

This might sound good to you, but we think that they are selling fake engagement.

What is Instafollowers?

Instafollowers is going to bombard you with features as soon as you visit their website. They put all of their features on their home page, so you don’t even have to go anywhere else to check them out. They put Instagram at the top, and then below this, they put everything else, including Twitter and Spotify. You might see this as a good thing, being able to get everything done under one roof, but we actually see it as a negative. We think that they are spreading themselves too thin, and producing low-quality engagement, that often comprises fake engagement. This is definitely not the way you want to advance your Instagram profile, especially if you have a lot of integrity, and want to preserve your reputation. Let’s give them a review anyway.

Is Instafollowers Safe to Use? Is It a Scam?

At the end of the day, we don’t think that these guys are safe for you to use.

They have put a little bit of an effort into their website, and do have some features that we approve of, but at the end of the day, they are just selling their clients fake engagement.


Because all of their engagement is cheap, it is low-quality, and we guarantee that it has a low engagement rate.

It might make your Instagram profile look good temporarily, but we bet that in the long run, it’s going to end up falling off again, and will actually end up ruining your reputation.

Opt for a company that has a lot more integrity when it comes to their clients, and you will avoid a lot of frustration and headaches.

Review Summary

Instafollowers is the kind of company that claims to be able to do it all. They can help you not only with Instagram, but with other social media services, including Twitter, Spotify, and SoundCloud. This might sound good to you, but we think that they are selling fake engagement.